Narcissist Hoovering

Imagine this scenario: you finally managed to break free from a toxic relationship with a narcissist. You’ve taken the courageous step to prioritize your well-being, but suddenly, out of the blue, they reappear in your life, seemingly charming and remorseful.

This phenomenon, known as “narcissist hoovering,” is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists to draw you back into their web of control. In this article, we’ll explore the insidious nature of narcissist hoovering, its devastating effects, and most importantly, how to recognize and protect yourself from falling victim to it once again.

Narcissist Hoovering

Table of Contents

What is Narcissist Hoovering?

Narcissist hoovering refers to a manipulative tactic used by individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) to draw their former partners or victims back into their toxic web.

The term “hoovering” is derived from the brand name of a vacuum cleaner, symbolizing the narcissist’s relentless attempt to suck their victims back into the relationship or dynamic. It is a behavior characterized by manipulation, control, and emotional abuse.

Methods of Narcissist Hoovering

Love Bombing

Love bombing is a common tactic used by narcissists during the hoovering phase. They will shower their victims with affection, attention, and compliments to create an emotional bond and lure them back into the relationship.

The narcissist will dote on their target, making them feel desired, cherished, and loved in an attempt to reignite the feelings and dependency they once had.


Triangulation occurs when the narcissist introduces a third party into the dynamic, creating conflict and jealousy between the victim and the new person. By doing so, the narcissist seeks to make the victim question their self-worth and provoke feelings of insecurity, ultimately making them more susceptible to hoovering.


Gaslighting is a manipulation technique narcissists use to distort the victim’s perception of reality. They will deny their abusive behavior and distort facts, making the victim doubt their own sanity and memories.

Gaslighting during hoovering is intended to make the victim doubt their decision to leave the narcissist and question their own judgment.

Silent Treatment

By giving the silent treatment, narcissists aim to exert control over their victims and instill fear of abandonment. They intentionally withhold communication and ignore their victims as a way to punish and manipulate them.

This form of hoovering leaves the victim feeling anxious, confused, and desperate for any form of acknowledgement from the narcissist.


Narcissists often play the victim to gain sympathy and evoke a sense of guilt in their victims. They may exaggerate their emotional pain or portray themselves as helpless, hoping to manipulate the victim into returning out of a sense of responsibility or obligation.

This method exploits the victim’s empathetic nature and fosters a desire to rescue and care for the narcissist.

Narcissist Hoovering

Idealization and Devaluation

During the hoovering phase, narcissists may alternate between idealizing and devaluing their victims. They will initially idealize the victim, emphasizing their positive qualities and making them feel special.

Once the victim is lured back into the relationship, the narcissist will revert to their devaluation tactics, undermining the victim’s self-esteem and diminishing their worth.

Apologies and Promises

Narcissists may apologize and make promises of change during hoovering to regain the trust and forgiveness of their victims. However, these apologies are often insincere and serve as a means to manipulate the victim.

The narcissist will likely revert to their abusive behaviors once they have regained control, leaving the victim feeling betrayed and deceived.

Playing the Victim

Playing the victim is a tactic used to elicit sympathy and manipulate the victim into feeling guilty for leaving. The narcissist may claim that the victim is responsible for their unhappiness, making them question their decision to leave.

They will paint themselves as the innocent party and attempt to shift blame, further perpetuating the cycle of abuse.

Grand Gestures

Narcissists may resort to grand gestures as a way to win back their victims. This could include lavish gifts, extravagant vacations, or public displays of affection. By indulging in these gestures, the narcissist aims to create a sense of obligation and gratitude, hoping to overpower the victim’s reasoning and lure them back into the toxic relationship.

Narcissist Hoovering

The Psychology Behind Narcissist Hoovering

Narcissistic Supply

One of the primary motivations behind narcissist hoovering is the need for a constant supply of admiration, attention, and validation. Narcissists thrive on the emotional reactions and dependency of their victims.

By reestablishing contact and exerting control through hoovering, they can feed off the emotional turmoil and power dynamics that ensue.

Fear of Abandonment

Narcissists have an intense fear of abandonment and lack the ability to form healthy, secure attachments. Hoovering is a way for them to maintain control and secure a sense of validation and power.

The fear of being alone or rejected drives their manipulative behaviors, as they cannot comprehend a life without a constant source of attention and admiration.

Power and Control

Power and control are central to the narcissist’s personality. Hoovering allows them to regain dominance and assert their control over the victim. By employing manipulative tactics and emotional coercion, they can maintain a position of power and ensure the victim remains within their grasp.

Manipulation Tactics

Narcissists excel at manipulation and are skilled at identifying their victim’s vulnerabilities and exploiting them. They use various tactics, such as gaslighting, love bombing, and playing the victim, to chip away at the victim’s self-esteem and sense of reality.

Hoovering is a means to continue this manipulation and maintain their hold over the victim.

Emotional Dependency

Narcissists thrive on the emotional dependency of their victims. Through hoovering, they seek to recreate the emotional entanglement and reliance the victim once had on them. By reestablishing contact and eliciting emotional responses, the narcissist can reinforce their role as the primary source of validation for the victim.

Narcissist Hoovering

Signs and Red Flags of Narcissist Hoovering

Frequent Contact

One of the key signs of narcissist hoovering is a sudden increase in communication from the narcissist. They may reach out through phone calls, text messages, emails, or social media, using various methods to regain contact and control over the victim.

Intense Flattery

During the hoovering phase, narcissists may resort to excessive flattery and compliments. They will use charm and charisma to manipulate the victim and make them feel valued and desired. Beware of sudden and over-the-top expressions of admiration, as they may be part of the hoovering strategy.

Sudden Interest and Attention

Narcissists may feign sudden interest and attention in the victim’s life during hoovering. They might inquire about their well-being, ask personal questions, or show a heightened curiosity about their current activities. This sudden interest is a tactic to lure the victim back into their web of manipulation.

Manipulative Behavior

Narcissists are skilled at manipulation, and hoovering is no exception. Look out for any signs of manipulation, such as guilt tripping, gaslighting, or playing the victim. These tactics are aimed at weakening the victim’s resolve and coercing them into returning to the toxic relationship.

Inconsistent Communication

Narcissists may engage in inconsistent communication patterns during hoovering. They might alternate between periods of intense contact and sudden withdrawal, leaving the victim in a state of confusion and uncertainty. This inconsistency is a deliberate strategy to keep the victim hooked and reliant on the narcissist’s sporadic validation.

Persistent Attempts at Reconciliation

A clear red flag of hoovering is the narcissist’s persistent efforts to reconcile. They may express remorse, promise to change, and seek forgiveness relentlessly. This tenacious pursuit of reconciliation is part of their strategy to regain control over the victim and reinstate the dynamics of the toxic relationship.

Lack of Empathy

Narcissists have a limited capacity for empathy and genuine concern for others. During hoovering, their lack of empathy becomes evident as they dismiss or minimize the pain and suffering caused by their past actions. They may focus solely on their own desires and needs, displaying a complete disregard for the victim’s feelings.

Guilt Tripping

Guilt tripping is a common manipulation tactic employed by narcissists during hoovering. They may use guilt to pressure the victim into returning or to make them question their decision to leave. The narcissist will manipulate the victim’s emotions, making them feel responsible for their unhappiness and playing on their sense of duty.

Reverting to Old Patterns

Narcissists tend to revert to old patterns of behavior during the hoovering phase. They may show glimpses of the idealization or devaluation stages that were prevalent in the previous relationship.

Recognizing these patterns can help the victim understand the narcissist’s intentions and protect themselves from further emotional harm.

Denial and Deflection

When confronted about their abusive behavior, narcissists often resort to denial and deflection. They may refuse to acknowledge the harm they caused or shift blame onto the victim, making them doubt their own experiences and emotions.

Denial and deflection are classic signs of hoovering, aimed at maintaining control and avoiding accountability.

Narcissist Hoovering

Effects of Narcissist Hoovering

Emotional Confusion and Turmoil

Narcissist hoovering can lead to emotional confusion and turmoil for the victim. The constant back and forth between love bombing and devaluation tactics can leave the victim feeling disoriented, doubting their own emotions, and questioning the validity of their decision to leave.

Revolving Door Syndrome

Hoovering perpetuates a cycle known as the “revolving door syndrome.” The victim may find themselves repeatedly drawn back into the toxic relationship, only to experience the same abusive patterns all over again.

This cycle intensifies the emotional hold the narcissist has on the victim, making it difficult to break free.

Damage to Self-Esteem

Constant exposure to the manipulative tactics of a narcissist can severely damage a victim’s self-esteem. The devaluation and gaslighting employed during hoovering can leave the victim feeling worthless, powerless, and filled with self-doubt. Repeated exposure to this degrading behavior can erode one’s self-worth over time.


Hoovering often isolates the victim from friends and family as the narcissist attempts to cut off their support system. By creating a sense of dependency and control, the narcissist aims to isolate the victim and ensure they have no one to turn to for support or validation outside of the toxic relationship.

PTSD and Trauma

The emotional abuse inflicted through hoovering can result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and long-lasting trauma. The constant manipulation, gaslighting, and unpredictable behavior of the narcissist can create a toxic environment that leaves the victim emotionally scarred and struggling with anxiety, depression, and other psychological symptoms.

Cycles of Abuse

Hoovering perpetuates a never-ending cycle of abuse, where the victim is continuously subjected to emotional manipulation and mistreatment. This cycle includes the idealization and devaluation phases, mirroring the abusive dynamics that were present in the initial relationship. Breaking free from this cycle can be an immense challenge for the victim.

Inability to Move On

Narcissist hoovering makes it incredibly difficult for the victim to move on from the toxic relationship. The narcissist’s manipulation, charm, and intermittent reinforcement can keep the victim locked in a state of emotional dependency, hindering their ability to detach themselves and heal from the abuse they experienced.

Increased Distrust in Relationships

As a result of hoovering and the emotional manipulation endured, victims may develop a deep-seated distrust of others, particularly in future relationships. The constant betrayal and deception by the narcissist can make it challenging to establish trust and maintain healthy connections with others.

Boundary Issues

Hoovering erodes and violates a victim’s boundaries, making it challenging for them to set and enforce healthy limits in relationships. The narcissist’s ability to trample over boundaries during the hoovering phase, coupled with the victim’s emotional dependency, can lead to ongoing boundary issues even after leaving the toxic relationship.

Emotional Exhaustion

The relentless pursuit and manipulation tactics employed during hoovering can leave the victim emotionally drained and exhausted. The constant emotional rollercoaster created by the narcissist’s behavior takes a toll on the victim’s well-being, leaving them physically and mentally depleted.

Protecting Yourself from Narcissist Hoovering

Recognizing the Manipulation

The first step in protecting yourself from narcissist hoovering is acknowledging and recognizing the manipulation tactics employed by the narcissist. Educate yourself about narcissistic abuse and familiarize yourself with the signs and patterns commonly associated with hoovering. This awareness will allow you to see through the manipulations and protect yourself.

Setting and Enforcing Boundaries

Establishing and enforcing clear boundaries is crucial in deterring hoovering attempts. Communicate your boundaries firmly and consistently to the narcissist, making it clear that their attempts at contact or manipulation will not be tolerated.

Without clear boundaries, the narcissist will continue to exploit and violate your emotional well-being.

No Contact or Limited Contact

Implementing a “no contact” or “limited contact” rule can be an effective strategy in protecting yourself from hoovering. Cutting off all communication with the narcissist eliminates the opportunity for them to exert control or manipulate your emotions.

Alternatively, establishing limited contact may be necessary in certain circumstances, such as co-parenting, but should be strictly adhered to and supervised.

Seeking Support and Therapy

Reach out for support from trusted friends, family members, or support groups who understand the dynamics of narcissistic abuse. Consider seeking professional therapy, specifically from a therapist specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery.

Therapy can provide a safe space to process the trauma, develop coping strategies, and gain insights into the dynamics of hoovering.

Focusing on Self-Care

Prioritize self-care during the healing process. Nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being by engaging in activities that bring you joy, practicing mindfulness or meditation, and taking care of your physical health.

Focusing on self-care helps rebuild your resilience and reinforces the importance of your own well-being.

Developing a Support Network

Build a support network of individuals who understand and validate your experiences. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about your well-being and can provide support, encouragement, and guidance throughout your healing journey.

A strong support network can provide much-needed validation and strength during moments of vulnerability.

Building Confidence and Self-Worth

Rebuild your self-confidence and self-worth that may have been eroded during the hoovering phase. Engage in activities that challenge you, set achievable goals, and celebrate your accomplishments.

Building confidence and self-worth helps protect against future hoovering attempts and fosters a sense of empowerment and independence.

Learning from Past Experiences

Reflect on your past experiences with the narcissist and identify any patterns or vulnerabilities that made you susceptible to hoovering. Self-reflection allows you to learn from your experiences and make informed choices in future relationships.

Understanding your own triggers and vulnerabilities can help you establish healthier boundaries and protect yourself from further harm.

Understanding the Narcissist’s Patterns

Educate yourself about the predictable patterns and behaviors of narcissists. Learning about narcissistic personality disorder and the motivations behind hoovering can help you recognize and anticipate the narcissist’s tactics.

This understanding is crucial in protecting yourself from being ensnared by their manipulation.

Detaching Emotionally

Detaching emotionally from the narcissist is a vital step in protecting yourself from hoovering. This requires recognizing that you are not responsible for their actions or emotions and allowing yourself to let go of any emotional attachment.

By detaching emotionally, you regain control over your own emotions and reduce the power the narcissist holds over you.

Recovery from Narcissist Hoovering

Healing from Emotional Trauma

Recovering from narcissist hoovering involves a process of healing from emotional trauma. Seek therapy or counseling with professionals experienced in trauma recovery, such as trauma-informed therapists.

They can guide you through healing techniques tailored to your specific needs and support you in overcoming the emotional scars left by the narcissistic abuse.

Learning to Trust Again

Rebuilding trust after experiencing narcissistic abuse can be challenging. Work on healing your own wounds and developing a healthy sense of self-trust. Give yourself time to heal and surround yourself with trustworthy individuals who demonstrate love, consistency, and respect.

Through personal growth and therapy, you can gradually regain trust in yourself and others.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem

Rebuilding self-esteem is a critical aspect of recovering from narcissist hoovering. Engage in self-care practices, challenge negative self-talk, and focus on your strengths and accomplishments.

Celebrate personal milestones and engage in activities that promote a positive self-image. Building self-esteem enhances resilience and protects against future manipulations.

Establishing Healthy Relationships

Take time to heal and reflect before entering future relationships. Be mindful of red flags and unhealthy patterns that may indicate potential narcissistic partners. Establish clear boundaries and communicate your needs and expectations openly.

Seek out partners who display empathy, respect, and accountability, and prioritize forming healthy, reciprocal relationships.

Reasserting Personal Identity

Narcissistic abuse can strip victims of their sense of self and personal identity. To recover and protect yourself from future hoovering attempts, focus on reasserting your personal identity.

Reconnect with your values, passions, and interests. Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow yourself to explore and express your authentic self.

Self-Reflection and Growth

Continual self-reflection and personal growth are essential in preventing future encounters with narcissists. Take the time to examine and understand why you may have been vulnerable to hoovering and how you can develop healthier relationship dynamics moving forward. Use your experiences as a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking free from the cycle of narcissistic abuse and hoovering requires conscious effort and self-awareness. Stay vigilant in recognizing and resisting any attempts at manipulation or contact from the narcissist.

Surround yourself with healthy relationships and maintain a strong support system. Breaking the cycle empowers you to forge a new path filled with emotional well-being and healthy connections.

Finding Closure

Closure may not come in the form of an apology or understanding from the narcissist. Instead, work towards finding closure within yourself. Let go of any expectations of closure from the narcissist and focus on accepting your experiences and emotions. Seek closure through therapy, self-reflection, and self-forgiveness.

Forgiving Yourself

Often, victims of narcissistic abuse blame themselves or feel guilt for being ensnared in the manipulative tactics of the narcissist. Practice self-compassion and forgiveness, realizing that you were targeted by an expert manipulator. It is essential to let go of self-blame and focus on your own healing and growth.

Moving Forward

Moving forward after narcissist hoovering requires a commitment to yourself and your well-being. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. Surround yourself with positive influences and continue to prioritize your emotional health and happiness.

Seeking Professional Help for Narcissist Hoovering

Therapy Options

Therapy is an invaluable resource for individuals navigating the aftermath of narcissist hoovering. Several therapy options can be beneficial, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or psychodynamic therapy.

These therapeutic approaches can help address the trauma, provide coping strategies, and promote healing and resilience.

Counseling Techniques

Counseling techniques such as validation, psychoeducation, and trauma-focused therapy can help victims of narcissist hoovering understand their experiences and work through the emotional aftermath.

A skilled counselor can guide you through techniques that promote emotional healing, self-empowerment, and a deeper understanding of the dynamics involved in narcissistic abuse.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Trauma-informed therapy is specifically designed to address the complex emotional and psychological consequences of trauma. Therapists well-versed in trauma-informed therapy can help survivors of narcissist hoovering navigate the healing process, including targeting symptoms of PTSD, managing triggers, and building resilience.

Support Groups

Support groups provide a valuable opportunity to connect with others who have experienced similar forms of narcissistic abuse. Sharing experiences, insights, and resources can foster validation and empowerment.

Consider joining either in-person or online support groups specifically tailored for survivors of narcissistic abuse.

Legal Remedies

In cases where legal action may be necessary, consult with an attorney experienced in family or domestic violence law. They can guide you through the legal process, including obtaining restraining orders or exploring other protective measures.

Legal remedies offer additional support and protection for victims dealing with narcissist hoovering.

Safety Planning

Safety planning is essential for individuals dealing with narcissist hoovering, especially if there is a risk of physical harm. Develop strategies to ensure personal safety, including creating a support network, documenting incidents, and keeping evidence of abuse.

A safety plan should address all aspects of your well-being and provide guidance during potential crisis situations.

Documenting Evidence

Keep a record of any abusive incidents, threats, or manipulative communications from the narcissist. This documentation can help support your case if legal action becomes necessary.

Save emails, text messages, voicemails, and any other evidence that may strengthen your position and provide proof of the narcissist’s behavior.

Restraining Orders

In cases of severe narcissistic abuse and potential danger, obtaining a restraining order can provide a legal barrier between yourself and the narcissist. Consult with an attorney to explore the requirements and process for obtaining a restraining order in your jurisdiction.

Restraining orders can establish legal consequences for the narcissist and provide a sense of safety and protection.

Co-Parenting Strategies

If children are involved, co-parenting with a narcissist can present additional challenges. Seek guidance from a therapist or parenting coordinator experienced in narcissistic abuse.

Work with professionals to develop co-parenting strategies that prioritize the well-being and safety of the children while minimizing contact and exposure to the narcissistic parent’s manipulation.

Finding a Therapist Specializing in Narcissistic Abuse

Seeking therapy with a mental health professional who specializes in narcissistic abuse is highly recommended. A therapist experienced in this area can provide insight, guidance, and support tailored to your specific circumstances.

They can help you navigate the intricacies of narcissist hoovering and empower you to recover and rebuild.

Understanding the Impact of Narcissist Hoovering on Children

Effects on Child Development

Narcissist hoovering can have detrimental effects on the emotional well-being and development of children caught in the crossfire. Witnessing parental narcissistic abuse can lead to a range of issues, including low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and difficulty forming healthy relationships.

The emotional volatility created by hoovering can disrupt a child’s sense of stability and safety.

Dual Loyalty and Emotional Manipulation

Children of narcissistic parents may experience dual loyalty and emotional manipulation during hoovering. The narcissistic parent may attempt to turn the child against the other parent or subtly enlist their support in the hoovering process.

Emotional manipulation can lead to confusion, guilt, and an internal struggle as the child is torn between their loyalty to both parents.

Protecting Children from Narcissistic Influence

Protecting children from the toxic influence of a narcissistic parent is crucial for their well-being. Setting firm boundaries and ensuring consistent structures in their lives can provide stability and protection. Shielding children from the narcissistic parent’s manipulation and emotional abuse may require limited contact or supervised visitation if necessary.

Coping Strategies for Children

Empowering children with coping strategies can assist them in navigating the complexities of narcissistic hoovering. Encourage open communication with a trusted adult and educate them about healthy relationships, boundaries, and emotional regulation.

Teaching children resilience and fostering their self-esteem can help counteract the negative effects of the hoovering process.

Custody and Co-Parenting Challenges

Navigating custody and co-parenting with a narcissistic ex-partner can pose significant challenges. Consult with legal professionals and therapists experienced in narcissistic abuse to establish custody arrangements that prioritize the child’s safety and well-being.

\Seek support and guidance to develop effective co-parenting strategies that minimize the child’s exposure to hoovering tactics.

Seeking Professional Help for Children

If you notice concerning signs or behaviors in your child as a result of narcissistic hoovering, seek professional help. Consult with therapists who specialize in working with children and trauma to ensure your child receives the support and guidance they need to heal and thrive.


Navigating narcissist hoovering can be emotionally challenging, but understanding the tactics and effects of this manipulation can empower you to protect yourself and break free from the cycle of abuse.

Recognizing the signs, setting boundaries, prioritizing your well-being, and seeking professional help are key steps in reclaiming your personal power, healing, and finding strength in resilience.

Remember that you are not alone, and with time, support, and self-care, you can heal and rebuild your life on your own terms.

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